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Find your inner piece

Card 1

Sound Bathing

Pamper yourself with healing frequencies!

Private Tibetian Singing bowls healing sessions and Group Healing sessions with Crystal and Tibetian Singing bowls.

Card 2


Heal with high vibrational energies!

Energy healing works by clearing out blocks and bringing your vibrational system back up to harmony.

Card 3

Forest Bathing

Tap into the healing power of forests with me!

I will teach you how to ground yourself with Mother Earth, get energy from the trees and how to heal yourself in this magical way.


Welcome to my Testimonials!

Some people share their stories in short videos which show what they felt and experienced during a remote energy healing sessions.

Translation coming soon!

Eszter Faragó

Eszter Faragó

Since my young childhood, I know that my purpose in my life is to help others, move them from a place of feeling disempowered to a place of living in joy and harmony. All my life is around harmony. I create harmony in homes and in souls. I have a special sense to feel the geometries and energies around me. I' m so grateful for those difficulties in my life that I have gone through, these taught me how to find myself, my inner harmony.

We as humans, are energy in a human physical body. We came here to the Earth to get experiences and improve ourselves to become better and find ourselves, our inner God or Goddess.

If you are stuck in your life, I am here to help you and show you a way how to get your harmony back.

Phone 00 36 20 414 7034